Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Obama Keeps it Real on Race.....

This week's speech in Philly on race will be one that colleges and universities, parents and grandparents, will be talking to youngins about for years. Obama kept it real....real intelligent! It's been a while since I've witnessed anyone articulate America's racial divide from the perspective of African-Americans AND whites they way he did. If you didn't catch it, here it go...

Now if you heard or read this whole speech in it's entirety (not just the media soundbites), yet see no value in it, or you're still caught up thinking about Rev. Wright, then I have to say that you're pretty much stuck on stupid. Obama's spoke about something so much more beyond the Rev's words, to go deep into the conditions in our society that would breed those type of sentiments. This is something many of us don't want to discuss or think about, but as Obama said, ignoring the race problem in America won't make it go away. While other politicians are pussy-footing around the race issue, or using race as a way to feed off of people's prejudices to get votes or support, Obama is putting this issue out in the open in an honest objective way so that we can be first AWARE that it's still a problem, to inspire a DIALOGUE about it, in order to begin to address MISCONCEPTIONS and INJUSTICE in a way that leads to HEALING.

By the way, now more than ever I see Barack as a shining, brilliant star. When this Rev Wright stuff came out, he could have run away from this issue like a punk-azz marc, but instead he not only addressed it, distinguishing himself from his reverend's comments without dogging him or selling him out, and then TURNED THIS INTO AN OPPORTUNITY TO SCHOOL the American public on their dirty laundry. I mean, he put RACE IN YO' FACE, which I know the enemy did not expect him to do.

By the way, I hope that for all of you negroes who got on Barack for not talkin' about "Black issues" or "The Black Agenda" or "Black problems" can calm the phuk down now.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

This Says It All.....

LOL!!!!! Word! That chic is delusional....and she trying to play Obama and the public for the okey-doke too. Maybe if she says he's in the vice-presidential position long enough (and maybe clicks her heels three times), it will really happen. Poor child still doin' that Hucka-math......

Obama on MSNBC Tonight!!!!


Tune in to MSNBC at 10pm eastern standard time TONIGHT to see Barack Obama on "Hardball" with Chris Matthews.

You may have already heard that Obama is being called the winner for Mississippi, and this edition of the TV show is at a special time. You know that they just don't do this for just anybody!

What will he say? Will he respond to the madness? Will Matthews try to faze him? I gotta get up early, but I'm doing jumping jacks trying to keep myself awake to watch this......

Old Hag Politico Talks Grimy About Obama

So no disrespect to Geraldine Ferraro (she did make history as the first female VP democratic candidate back in the 80s, and she's not doing too well health-wise these days), but WTF?!!!??

Check out what she had to say about Obama only getting this far because he's Black [click here for this bullcrap].......

then see how she practically DARES someone to step to her about it at the risk of being called a reverse racist [click here for the audacity of hag].

In case you missed the dis, she's basically calling Obama an affirmative action candidate who's not really qualified for the job.

Now, it just so happens that Ferraro is a big Clinton supporter, playing a great role as part of her campaign's finance committee. Do you remember how Clinton got on Obama about renouncing Farakhan in the last debate? Well, this woman has yet to do the same in regards to her bitter friend. The most Clinton has done is say that she "disagrees." Then her, uhm......I mean campaign manager Maggie Williams actually out and out defends Ferraro in public. Which would seem to indicate Clinton actually AGREES with this crazy statement despite what she says, but is letting the dirt come from somebody else's mouth.

And yet Samantha Power was removed from the Obama campaign for saying off the record that Clinton was a "monster." I don't know about you, but I think the old hag's comments are ten times worse than what that Power chic said.

Did anybody catch how Chris Matthews on MSNBC kept referring to Ferraro as "he" when he was talking about her statements tonight? If this turns into a big deal, remember you heard it hear first! G-n-B giving ya the scoop!

Two States Don't Stop No Show....

So let's recap:

Clinton claims victory in 3 out of 4 of last week's primaries, and the media and her supporters practically party in the streets about the "underdog" breaking Obama's 11 state winning streak.


What did she really win? Here's the numbers before and after last week's primaries....

Obama: 1, 192 delegates

Clinton: 1, 036 delegates

Obama: 1,379 delegates

Clinton: 1,230 delegates


Keep in mind that these current numbers only include the delegates Clinton and Obama got in the Texas primary, which is exactly the same since the results were so close - 92 delegates each, despite her "win." On top of that, the delegates alloted from the Texas caucuses, which Obama won with a significant margin, haven't been added to these numbers yet. This will increase his lead even more.

So ultimately, despite all the media "oohs" and "aahs" about Clinton's comeback, OBAMA WILL ACTUALLY INCREASE HIS LEAD!

I mean, how fly is that? Dude doesn't even have to win states to stay in the lead. Which makes you wonder what all the hoopla about Clinton was about. Hmmm. Maybe they were doing that "Hucka-math"..........