Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Obama on MSNBC Tonight!!!!


Tune in to MSNBC at 10pm eastern standard time TONIGHT to see Barack Obama on "Hardball" with Chris Matthews.

You may have already heard that Obama is being called the winner for Mississippi, and this edition of the TV show is at a special time. You know that they just don't do this for just anybody!

What will he say? Will he respond to the madness? Will Matthews try to faze him? I gotta get up early, but I'm doing jumping jacks trying to keep myself awake to watch this......


Anonymous said...

I didn't catch this broadcast so I'm anxious for the unique G-n-B recap!

GritsNButta said...

Sorry for the delayed response. Wasn't much to recap as the appearance was brief. Seems like a case of a network hyping up having a special guest but not bringing anything special to the table for the guest to discuss. Boo, hisssss on Hardball!