Monday, July 14, 2008

Petition To Stop FOX's Racist Attacks

Thanks to Garden State Lady for the following info. Seems like MoveOn is taking a stand against FOX's blatantly offensive "reporting" on Obama (be sure to check out the link to that video; their bias so IN YOUR FACE).....

Dear MoveOn member,

Over 428,000 people have signed a petition telling FOX to stop their racist and hate-filled smears against Barack Obama. If we hit half-a-million signatures, we can draw media attention and put pressure on FOX's advertisers.

Plus, Robert Greenwald's Brave New Films released a video this morning documenting FOX's ongoing smears against Michelle Obama. Please check out the video, and then sign the petition calling on FOX to stop peddling racism—and then tell your friends. Just click here:

Click here

Here's the link:

FOX is shameless: in the several weeks alone, they've "confused" Obama's name with Osama's, referred to Michelle as "Obama's Baby Mama," and called an affectionate fist bump by Barack and Michelle a "terrorist fist jab."

Our partners at will hold a major event next week to deliver boxes and boxes of petition signatures to FOX's headquarters. If we can deliver half-a-million signatures, other media outlets will have a powerful story to report—and FOX's advertisers will get the hint that it's not a good idea to associate their products with FOX's hate-speech.
Thanks for helping to fight the right-wing smears.

–Adam G.

P.S. Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL) has a new book out, and we thought you might be interested. The Nation called Wexler the country's "Most Valuable Congressman," and he's stood with MoveOn on numerous causes, from ending the war to stopping warrantless wiretapping in FISA. Now he's written "Fire Breathing Liberal," a fascinating account of life as an outspoken progressive in the House of Representatives. Says Comedian Stephen Colbert, "I enjoyed Congressman Wexler's book even more than I enjoy cocaine and prostitutes." You can check it out here:
You can also sign up for Wexler's email list here:

WTF??? Offensive New Yorker Magazine Cover

Uhhhmmm....have any of you heard about this yet? I barely have the words....

Check out Obama's response

And The Hater Award Goes To.....JESSE JACKSON!!!!

As much as I detest looking at this ghoul O'Reilly, I just gots to show you the actual video of Rev. Jackson's comments.

This is because I can't believe how many of you had NO IDEA ABOUT THIS or just thought all that was said was that he didn't like Obama "talking down" to Black people. Uh uhhh. He said something WAY MORE OFF THE CHAIN than that.

(Hey, but I understand. You're so in love with G-n-B (and so fed up with mainstream media) that this might be the only news you pay attention to these days....Thanks, but still READ THE NEWSPAPER, CLICK ON SOME YAHOO, OR WATCH THE 6 O'CLOCK OR 11 O'CLOCK NEWS AT LEAST ONCE IN A WHILE.....)

And with that "nuts" comment, you can tell he meant it too, because look at how he moved his arm at the end of the comment, AS IF HE REALLY HAD A KNIFE TO DO IT WITH. Damn, Jesse! Why???????


After WEEKS of fashion savvy and culturally aware people out there trying to track this thing down, word is that it can be found now at the "Universal News" chain of magazine shops in NYC. As of 2 days ago, on Manhattan's 14th Street had plenty. They're selling them at $15.99 which is the regular U.S. rate for this publication.

DON'T LET THIS OTHER MAGAZINE HUSTLERS FOOL YOU!!!! Some other shop on Park Avenue is trying to sell them for $25 A POP!

Let us know about any other spots!!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Obama Family Interview: Debrief

Okay, interview was so brief that if you blinked you missed it, but here's an on the fly G-n-B debrief....

- Mailia (the older daughter, 10 years old) looks like her daddy and Sasha (7 years old) looks more like Michelle.

- I LOVED the fact that Malia had cornrows in her hair. America (Black, white and whomever) need to see that some of us are indeed happy with our natural hair - even a future First Daughter.

- Michelle's make-up was FANTASTIC!

- Revelation: Sasha lets slip that her pops don't like ice-cream (!!!!!)....Wonder what the Republicans will do with that SHOCKER....

UPDATE: My bad, interview wasn't over, they just took a commercial break (c'mon, forgive me, I'm giving you an up to the minute play-by-play after all). So more debrief....

- now that the primary is over, Michelle says Barack is home at least once a week.

- His most romantic gesture lately? He just bought her flowers and they always go out on dates.

- HER most romantic gesture lately? "I take care of your children" (LOL!!!!)

- Even though some children think it's "embarrassing," she actually likes it when mommy and daddy hold hands and hug (aww....Black love in full-effect...AMERICA, ARE YOU WATCHING!!!!!)

Obama Family Interview on NOW!!!!

Quick, turn on the TV right now! The WHOLE OBAMA FAMILY is gonna be on NBC's entertainment show "Access Hollywood." This is a big deal because they have NEVER been interviewed all together before - and for good reason. Barack apparently has told reporters that he does NOT want photos of his kids taken.

Shoot, I hear that! It's worse enough they trying to step to the man's WIFE, but the least they could do is lay off the man's chi'ren.

Talk to you later, I need to watch this

First Look! All Black Italian Vogue Cover

Well here it is! The long awaited cover of the July issue of Italian Vogue which reportedly ONLY features Black models [photo from]....

So what do you think? I totally understand all the oddity that goes along with fashion, but still, this cover strikes me is kinda weird. Why they always gotta make us look bizarre, crazed, savage, freaky or animalistic???

I still can't find the mag yet(WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU PEOPLE?? HELP!), so I'll reserve further comment until I get to see the editorial. In the meantime, check out this article on

UPDATE: I was just told that the above mentioned website showed the wrong cover. The original one posted on G-n-B weeks ago is correct and one of these is what you should look for.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Update: Venus Wins Wimbledon

Well, this just in, straight from my TV peeps....

Venus Williams wins the 2008 Wimbledon Tennis title!!!!

Not for nothing, but having watched this from the beginning to end of the match, I can tell ya that although Serena exhibited lots of strength and endurance, overall, VENUS SPANKED LITTLE SISTA'S BUTT on the court.

And thing is, I'm not used to seeing Serena break down emotionally, and for the most part she kept her composure. But towards the end of the last set, when Serena made what I guess she felt was a careless mistake, she turns around, grabs her head and it looks like she almost started boo-hoo crying! Which is understandable, but still, I'm not used to her letting people see her "sweat".....


I just stopped to listen to the interview/acceptance speech of both sisters on the court....And while Venus imbued lots of smiles and humor, Serena just did not look happy. I mean, of course, she lost, but still. While big sis was speaking and cracking jokes they wold cut to Serena and homegirl just did not seem amused. Kinda like "Yeah, whatever. This trophy they gave me is wack because it ain't the #1 and I just want this to be over and to be off this hot azz court."

Well, next up: THE WILLIAMS SISTERS ARE IN THE LADIES DOUBLES FINALS!!! Look out for that on the telly. Cheerio, chaps!

Where the Heck is Italian Vogue?????

By now most of you know that the July 2008 issue of Italian Vogue is to be an "all-Black" issues, prominantly featuring Black models on both the cover and the editorial pages, along with stories on Blacks in arts and entertainment. [See New York Times article here]

This is groundbreaking considering the virtual LOCK OUT of Black models on the runway the past few years. Used to be you'd see Tyra, Naomi, Mounia, Veronica or 3 or 4 of their protogees walking the runway in any given show. Now Black models are speaking out about being deliberately excluded from these shows.

Ain't it something that ITALIAN VOGUE is the one to take a stand on this issue? I mean, don't we live in what's supposedly the most DIVERSE NATION ON EARTH? What's up with American Vogue?....Oh yes, they're too busy putting up SAVAGE BEAST imagery on their covers for kicks (remember the LeBron James one???).

In any case, your friend G-n-B has been looking high and low and can't find this joint on the newsstands for bookstores anywhere. HOLLA AT ME PLEAS, IF YOU KNOW WHERE WE CAN GET IT?????


For the THIRD time, Venus and Serena Williams will face each other in the Wimbledon Tennis finals today. Tune in to NBC at 9am.

I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I think it's FANTASTIC that these to sisters (and yes, I mean SISTAHS too!) have excelled so much in their careers. It's a win-win situation for Black folk cause you know that now matter what A BLACK WOMAN'S GONNA WIN!

On the other hand, who do you root for? The two Wimbeldon titles that Serena has already were won against her sister. Hmmm......I ain't trying to start nothin', but there has been speculation as to whether Venus just kinda "let" her sister win in order to big her up. For Venus's part, she's responded by saying she was highly offended at even the implication because it implies she's not professional.

However, let's say she did throw it for her little sis? So what!? If anything, the fact that no matter what, despite all the haters, they have each other's back - that's good enough for me.

Tell me what ya'll think!