Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Anxious.....at 9:15 pm "Super Tuesday"

Am I the only one that feels like it is wickedly NERVE RACKING to watch the news just after the pols close? I mean, with all this "predicted" winner crap, I've gone through several emotional highs and low in a matter of minutes - not cool.


Obama Winning (projected): Alabama, Georgia, Conneticut, Minnesota, Delaware

Clinton Winning (projected)
: New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri

Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy some aspect of the speculation and political commentary, especially when it features the "All-Stars," but the bottom line is that since it's all based on exit polling at this point, it doesn't make sense to sit back in victory or defeat yet. So....

I'm gonna try my best to stay off of the net (and off of the television netWORKS) and try to enjoy some tea, burn a little incense, and maybe finish reading one of the tons of books I promise that I will finish soon.....(let's see if I can hold back)

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