Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Debrief (with video!): February 26 Democratic Debate

Last night’s debate was a study in desperation. A desperate candidate (Clinton) trying every thing in her power make Obama loose his cool, but yet again, he maintains his composure. I’ve heard some of the press about this debate and it seems some feel that the moderators were harder on Clinton than on Obama. Well, I don’t know about that. But I will share with you my uncensored play-by-play thoughts that I typed as this thang they call a debate flowed on (not ALL my thoughts on EVERYTHING, because I can't type that fast!). If you saw it live, more the better, you’ll know what I’m talking about. If not, guess what!? I included video of the whole debate for you!!!!! (Thank me later...)

- Wow! The moderators got right into it, bringing up Clinton’s change in tone, from seemingly civil in the last debate, so a raving harpy at rallies and public forums just before this debate.

- You know, as she talks, all calm now, I know that what she’s been trying to do is start a lot of -ish outside the debate room, in order to try and get him riled up and on the defensive when he comes into the debate on television. So if he simply defends himself, he looks crazy and she sit backs and looks cool and presidential.

- Classy: Obama says he takes Clinton at her word (about all the mess she’s been talking in the media lately) and moves on. “I’d like to move on to health care,” he says. Power move! As if to say “You will not transfer your negative shit to me, bitch!” He doesn’t go to her level because he knows he can’t win DOWN THERE!

- See how he talks about the difference in their healthcare plans without making personal attacks or threats towards her?

- And he says: he’s gotten a lot of negative attacks without “wining about it”, he just figures it’s politics.

- Look at her juvenile debate tactic: She blabs on forever, Obama responds, moderators wanna be fair and move on, but she says, “No, this is too important” and just makes up her own rules and keeps talking (still re: healthcare).

- Now NAFTA…
- What????? Snidely complaining about always getting the first question asked of her (and simultaneously NOT addressing the issue)???? Referring to a “Saturday Night Live” sketch and saying maybe we should ask Mr. Obama if he’d like a pillow, basically dissing the moderators in the process???? Now ya’ll heard the grumbles and boos from the audience, no? This bitch has lost her dang mind, don’t give a shit what she says, how it sounds, who it offends, because she knows her times is up. What’s Obama gonna say?....
- Hey-o! He goes right to the issues and ignores her nasty baiting.
- By the way, if you the chic with the most experience and the one “ready on day one,” why can’t you be ready to answer these questions first??? Just a thought.
- His response? Classy and FLAWLESS.
- Look at Tim Russert. He ain’t no joke. Ya’ll see the 5 million Billary quotes he pulled proving her supporting NAFTA in the past, and now she’s switching it up? You go Tim!
- Tim’s not letting her bulldoze! She’s trying to switch it to being Obama’s stance on NAFTA, but Tim’s steady saying, Naw! We talking about YOU!!!! Stick to explaining what YOU said.
- And Obama just sitting back in the cut calm letting this witch make herself look bad and sweat it out.

- Tim to Clinton: As a NY senator, you pledged 200,000 new jobs, but there’s been a net loss of 30,000 jobs in NY. Tim does it again with the zingers. Oh snap!
- Look at her response: She says she thought someone else was gonna be in the White House. That’s her excuse for breaking her promise. Gimme a break! How you gonna talk about being ready to be Commander and Chief if your major plans and promises are based on such contingencies. So then what you gonna say if you’re president and you don’t get the senators or congressmen in that you want. You gonna use that excuse and blame them when we’re all still itching and scratching to see the doctor because your health care plans didn’t come through?

- So glad that he addressed her continuing references to his opposition to the war as simply “a speech.”
- He is just an inspiration to those who are trying to succeed in a field with fresh or different ideas yet being put down.


- Uh oh this “Will you re-invade if things fall apart in Iraq?” is a toughy. I hope Obama has a good come-back….
- Response: If there is a threat to the us there, then yes I reserve the right to defend us. Okay, that’s reasonable.

- Moderators show video clip (mistakenly) of Billary’s mocking of Obama, talking sarcastically about “unity” and “the sky will open and light come down” blah blah…
- Surprised that Obama’s response is simply taking it in stride as just an attempt at humor on her part.
- Glad he still made a point of saying that he’s not all words, he’s made visible change in people’s lives.

- Thank you! He’s finally addressing the fact that she keeps including her experience of first lady in her total experience. He says: you can’t take credit for all the good things that happened during his administration and not take responsibility for the ideas that are crappy.
- Obama says that what he wants to do as president won’t be hope alone. He wants to (not a verbatim quote) “mobilize the American people so that they start paying attention to what their country is doing. And that is not silly!” Excellent point Obama! Clinton is not a unifier. She can’t cooperate with the senate/congress in past, so how is she gonna get stuff moving now or in the future.
- Tim to Billary: Why ain’t you showing us where the money comes from?
- Wow. Her response that she can’t “get it together” now and not explaining why, and not explaining why she has to wait till she’s the nominee….weak.

- Moderator to Obama: Louis Farrakhan backs Obama for president. Wow! This is meant to be the H-Bomb, the thing that shakes Obama up. Bringing up anti-Semitic remarks, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, etc…..
- Obama says: This support was not solicited, he can’t stop somebody from saying that they think he’s a good guy. But before moderators can even barrage him with Farrakhan quotes, he cuts them off and states how he has already shown that he’s denounce some things the man has said in the past….Although Barack seemed thrown off for a second at first, as always, he still kept his composure and responded confidently in the end.
- So now, because Obama doesn't seem to reject his support outright, Clinton sees her opportunity to come in and show herself as the one who WOULD reject (using example from rejecting support of anti-semetic independent supporters in NYC), and I guess in her mind, makes her better than him.
- Now she’s making an issue of his choice of words. But look at his response! Cool again, like “Look chic, ‘reject’ or ‘denounce,’ whatever. The minister hasn't given me any formal or material offer of support to 'reject' in the first place. But fine, I'll say denounce, you ignoramous. You still not gonna get me tripped up on this one.” And check how the audience is feeling him on this one, on how silly she looks taking issue over the wording. Puh-lease! You can’t faze him Billary!!!! (Ya'll know this thing had me busting out my thesaurus? For the record "reject" is indeed a synonym for "denounce.")

(Around this time I started getting sleepy, was too sleepy to type alot)

- Did she mess up the name of the potential new Russian leader, saying something like "whatever" his name is??? O-kay.......

- Some closing remarks, but I gots to go to bed…..ZZZZZZZZZZZ

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