Thursday, June 5, 2008


Okay, I know this is a "flashback" of sorts, Obama on "Good Morning America" responding to those negative ads featuring his wife a while back, but you know I been under cover for a while....

Still, I wanna offer you the "Grits-N-Butta Translation Services" - FREE OF CHARGE! That's right. Because as poised, gracious, and diplomatic as Obama is, his response seemed to me like a thinly veiled way of him letting folk know that he's GULLY when need be. Don't believe me? Watch the video and check out the translation that follows (Oh, and two notes: The translation is only of the parts in regards to his wife, but keep watching to hear the Obamas debate about the family dog - So for real!; Also, I apologize for the image of that devil [G.W.B.] at the end. Try to cut it off before you get to it by pressing stop when Good Morning America cuts back to the studio):

OBAMA SEZ: "If they think they're gonna try to make Michelle an issue in this campaign, THEY SHOULD BE CAREFUL, because that I find unacceptable."

GNB TRANSLATOR: Don't let the suit and tie fool you. F^*king with my wife is bad fo' ya health. I will bust ya azz!

OBAMA SEZ: "The notion that you start attacking MY WIFE? Or MY FAMILY?...."

GNB TRANSLATOR: And you trying to make sh*t PERSONAL??? Muth&*f#@ker WHAT!?! Iz you SERIOUS?!

OBAMA SEZ: "Michelle is the most HONEST, the BEST person I know..She is one of the most CARING people I know..."

GNB TRANSLATOR: Check it - I know ya'll bi%ch azz punks out there are NOT MAN ENOUGH to get a true QUEEN like I got, but DON'T HATE HER BECAUSE SHE'S BEAUTIFUL and all your women are either fugly "Quaker-Oats-Man"-looking beasts like Barbara Bush or drunk azz hoes like the Bush Twins.

OBAMA SEZ: "Whoever's in charge of the Tennessee GOP needs to think long and hard about the kinda campaign that they wanna run, and I think that's true for everybody, Democrat or Republican."

GNB TRANSLATOR: Again, think about it. Do you REALLY wanna step to me? Giving ALL OF YA'LL fair warning....that's right, I said ALL OF YA'LL, don't care what team you on. What!?

MRS. OBAMA SEZ: "We're trusting that the American voters are ready to talk about the issues, and not talking about the things that have nothing to do with making people's lives better..."

GNB TRANSLATOR: Calm down, boo! Don't let them see the heat! Let me try to cool this situation down by changing the subject and bringing it back to the campaign issues...

OBAMA SEZ: "...but I also think these folks should lay off my wife. Alright. (smiles) Just in case their watching."

GNB TRANSLATOR: Uhmm...that's cool.....but, nah baby. It's okay, I got this. I'ma make it plain - BOTTOM LINE: DON'T LET MY WIFE'S NAME COME OUT CHO' MOUTH. See, my wife is too much of a LADY to bring it to you like that, but that's alright, because it's actually MY ROLE as a strong Black man to be the one to defend her, she's not out here on here alone. I know you not use to seeing a REAL Black man due to all the punks and pretenders on the music videos who treat women like garbage, but unlike them I'm READY, WILLING, AND ABLE to step up to the plate. Believe that.


AND isn't Robin Roberts looking good these days, especially after battling cancer. The short hair kinda suits her. I feel like she has a connection with the Obama's that helped elicit their comfortable and candid response and a little fun banter. Let's keep an eye out for this journalist, because you know the powers that be don't like it too tough when a reporter shows too much love to constructive Black folk.

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