Thursday, June 5, 2008


Check out this interesting news story about a young Hasidic man, who happens to also be of African-American descent. [click here]

What do you think?

Some of my thoughts were something like this…

- Dude looks like my cousin!

- Why he gotta be a “Black Jew”? They never label people “white Jews”.

- Why is it always incumbent on Black people to be the peacemakers?

- I believe it when they say he’s caught some flack. I can speak for my own best, but I think both culture’s can be unforgiving (as if there’s anything he should be ashamed or “forgiven” for!).

- Sometimes hate reading other people’s stupid comments on blogs, but one idiot wrote on the Daily News site about him having it bad enough being Black and now he’s “trying to be a Jew.” First of all, he doesn’t have to TRY to be Jewish, if one reads the article you see that he would be considered a Jew by birth since his mother is Jewish, as well as his maternal grandmother. Second, we shouldn’t forget that places in Africa and the so-called Middle East are mentioned WAY more times in the bible than places like Russia or Germany. Yet when we think of someone who is Jewish, we tend to have a picture of a European in mind. There are plenty of African and African-descended Jews – who are NOT converts, but born Jews.

Well, shalom G-N-B fans.....

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