Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Hey Gang,

Some Black dude in Utah (yes, I said a BLACK DUDE in UTAH – they do exist) had the nerve to imply that my commentaries were unobjective….can you believe that –ish???? Now ya’ll know from all my past posts that I just present the info, 98% of the time with links to some outside story so that you can DECIDE FO’ YO’ DANG SELF….just like I hope you’ll do today on (come on, let’s say it together now….)


Well, so that Black Utah Dude can’t say I’m not fair, I’m showing you this message and a link he sent me about Billary, Health Care, and Lies….

“…we've become so brainwashed as a public, that we get bent out of shape because of Billary's mandated insurance proposal (which we now see is also Obama's plan in a different way); however, look at your paycheck and ask why this is any different from the HUGE gash that social security also makes in your check. I'm sorry, but my wages are already being garnished. Can you get out of paying Social Security as well? Universal health care is just as big as Social Security -- so it wouldn't be surprising to see it as another minus on your paycheck.

Any, I'm not kissing up to the Clintons. The biggest problems with the Clintons is that both are habitual liars, and to quote David Geffen, "lie with such ease": "


Funny thing is that ultimately, I still stand by my previous comments, but it’s always good to hear all sides. Thanks Black Utah Dude!!!!!

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