Monday, February 4, 2008

Diddy Gets Black Consciousness???

Hi All,

If this is true, then here's another one for the "OH SNAP!" files:

Word is that he's not just looking for fashion week models, but trying to make it an ALL BLACK SHOW. Now, some of you might be thinking that this is so-called "reverse racism." But did ya'll check that other message I sent about Naomi Campbell's boycott of Fashion Week in NYC? Imagine if you were a Black woman or man in this industry and you hardly got any shows to be in.

If it was just Diddy talking, I might be like whatever. But the fact that this comes on the fashionable heels of Naomi speaking out (and remember, she didn't have to say nothing bc even if they only featured 2 Black models during the whole week, chances are with her supermodel status, she'd be one of them; in other words, she could have just made her money regardless of what happen to the rest of her sistren and just kept steppin', but she didn't), leads me to think this might be the start of a real fashion industry mini-revolt.

Let's see what happens at his show February 8th....

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