Monday, February 11, 2008

Oh Snap! Obama Wins A Grammy...Again!

Dang! This brotha just won't stop, won't quit.

While many of ya'll were focused on that crack-head Amy Winehouse, Obama took home the Grammy for Spoken Word for the audiobook "The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream." I had no idea that he had also won in 2006 for the audio book of "Dreams From My Father." (By the way, if you haven't read "Dreams" yet, you're kinda wack-a-licious; I mean, as you can see, you don't even have to know how to READ, you could just listen to it. Geesh!!!)

Also, note who else was in the category with him:

Bill Clinton (former president and Hillary's baby daddy)
Jimmy Carter (former president)
Maya Angelou (world renown genius of the word)

I have to go out and get whatever Ms. Angelou was nominated for, because we know it must be brilliant regardless of her not taking home the Grammy. But aside from that, think about it. Obama is kicking Billary's butt in every forum - politics, spoken word, music videos..... Now if Barack partners with Kanye or something and comes out with a hit record, we know the presidency is a wrap (just kidding!)

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